Thomas dale why am i gay

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It’s an NAIA division school that helped me to continue my racewalking and running career.Īlthough everyone was kind to me, it was intimidating being a closeted kid at a small, Catholic, Midwestern college. Saint Ambrose University was where I received my bachelors of science and where I am currently enrolled for the Masters of Science in Exercise Physiology.

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I competed for a small, Catholic university in Iowa for all four years of cross country and track. That’s because on the track, no one cares if you’re gay, just as long as you get to the end faster than everyone else. From Italy to China to the Olympic trials (2016), I’ve always pushed my hardest at every race. I fight and train every day to prove myself worthy of being called an elite. I believed that I would scare people away if I shared too much.įor many years I’ve used running and racewalking to stay sane. I thought it best to keep others from having to deal with what I assumed to be my issues. On the outside, I always try to be happy and carefree. I find solace and comfort in my independence.

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I’ve always found it hard to share emotion.

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