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So, if the Fire Island Fuck Boy gangbang is where the whole Seth/Dolf/ #sockgate fight started, the orgy was like an actual reality show. A little fun trivia about this orgy: Given that this stars Dolf Dietrich and Cris Knight (gay porn star Seth Knight’s husband), was this that orgy where Dolf Dietrich allegedly made those rude remarks about Seth Knight, in front of Cris Knight? Dolf and Cris haven’t appeared in any other orgies together, so it’s quite possible: The people fucking Patrick McDonald are Dolf Dietrich, Hans Berlin, Champ Robinson, Cris Knight, and several others. I don’t think anyone watched the Fire Island reality show (or watches Logo in general, since Drag Race bailed for VH1), but it was something people made fun of on Twitter for a few weeks earlier this year, so this is a big deal for Raw Fuck Club.

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